Thursday, April 8, 2010

Latest Update ~

First, as you all know, our NASCAR did not make the top 10. We were only 320 points behind the 10th place car. Well guess what we found out this morning….

We can still vote on the car to keep it the No. 1 spot of the “Most Likes”. Yes, right now our Nick & Friends car is sitting in #1 of the Most Likes Gallery. What does this mean? Don’t know yet. But all I can say is please click the link and give our car a thumb up by saying you “Like this Design”.

Some how, some way, we will find us a way to get a NASCAR Race Car designed like this featured. Please help us find a way!!

Second, Michael is coming up in his next set of 3 months scans. All we are having done this time is just a chest x-ray, lab work, and visit with the oncologist. We will go to the imaging center next Wednesday morning (April 14th), have a nice lunch, go see he favorite vampires (the lab), and then see his favorite oncologist. Not to worried about this visit.

Michael has been trying to keep himself busy. He has an older truck he has been working on re-building. He still has his good days and bad days. His legs and back bother him at times, but I think he just don’t want anyone to know. He just learns to live with it. He knows he will have back pain for the rest of his life. His hands and feet bother him still a bit.

He keeps telling me it’s time for a haircut. If you know my husband, he has always since he was in the military worn a very short hair style. Since he finished chemo last October, he has not had his first haircut yet. I am just in “LOVE” with all the curls that have come back this time. So we like to discuss back and forth whether or not he can get a haircut. I finally caved in this past week so today he went and got his first haircut since it has grown back. It will be interesting to see if he will have to keep it cut as much as he use to. It’s still not as thick as it was.

As always, please continue to keep all these beautiful sarcoma warriors in your thoughts and prayers. Also, please help us help Nick & Friends to bring much needed awareness to this dreaded disease that is taking our loved ones, and invading our lives.

Sending you beautiful warm Texas hugs!!~