Please help us once again by voting for our car, “Nick & Friends 2”. We have 13 days left on this one. We are trying extremely hard to make sure we get at least one car into the top 10 so we can move on to the next round.
If you are on facebook, we have an ongoing event you can join SARCOMA AWARENESS - NICK & FRIENDS 2 . This event is done from your computer. It is just a friendly reminder to vote daily for this car. It is going on now through September 6th. With that being said, we have many people not understand why people are saying “NO” to this event. You don’t go anywhere, and I am sure you spend more time reading others statuses, playing games, etc.
But here is my take. Either your friends on facebook don’t understand what we are trying to do, don’t understand what sarcoma is or what it does to our loved ones, they may be too busy, they may of their own set of problems, maybe they don’t need a reminder (wow, I wish I didn’t need reminders), or they just don’t care.
So with that, here is what we are trying to do:
1. We are trying to raise awareness to a horrid disease that affects our loved one, a rare pediatric cancer called sarcoma.
2. Our loved ones go through some very extensive treatment. Sarcoma can be very aggressive and can be disfiguring, painful and often is resistant to treatment.
3. Their survival rate is very low. And if they do survive the first round of treatment and has a chance to be “in remission”, they have an extremely high rate of it returning.
4. Families’ lives are turned upside down, some even fall apart completely. Moms and dads lose their babies, children lose their mommy or daddy, men / women lose their spouse, we lose our friends.
5. If you don’t know what sarcoma is, or if you want to learn more, please visit the Nick & Friends website at, ask me or any of the administrators on the event page on facebook.
We are just asking for a few seconds each day. Just a few clicks, click the link, click the vote button and that’s it. If we can get this car through this round and into the next two rounds, we have a great chance of bringing sarcoma and Nick & Friends into the NASCAR spot light.
Thanks and please vote.
Mel ~