Tuesday, April 14, 2009


On Monday, Michael received his last dose of radiation. He didn’t feel that great after treatment. He said this treatment took a little longer than all the rest. He would have finished up last week, but he “skipped” his treatment on Thursday last week. Instead, on Thursday we took our son down to Nacogdoches, Texas (about a 3 hour drive) to check out Stephen F. Austin State University. We got a chance to check out the campus and to meet with his financial aid officer. Our son received his acceptance letter back in January and will be attending this fall. It is a beautiful campus located in East Texas. I guess this really means that youngest is finally growing up. The trip was a little much for Michael to handle. He was extremely tired by the time we got back home.

We had a lovely weekend. The kids helped their younger cousins (ages 4, 2, and 2) color eggs on Friday with grandma. Not sure who had more fun, the smaller kids or my kids. We woke up Sunday morning and attended Easter Service. Our son and his high school jazz band director played instrumental for the church choir. His director played his Trombone while he played his Trumpet for one hymn and then he played his French horn for another hymn. Between the choir singing and the two playing the horns, they all sounded amazing. I always love to watch and listen to him play any of his instruments. Then we came home and the kids hid eggs for the younger ones to have their Easter egg hunt. Again, I think the big kids had more fun.

Michael will have about 2 weeks to rest before we get to go back and see his oncologist. Hopefully we will have a “game” plan of what will happen next. Michael is getting stronger each day. He still has fatigue set in at times, but he knows when to stop and rest.

Please continue to pray for everyone. There are many others needing our continued prayers in their journey fighting cancer.

1 comment:

sonyaa said...

A lovely report. I rejoice with you guys!