Saturday, February 28, 2009

What an Exciting Week ~ NOT

And it has been a week. Sorry if this one goes for a bit, but we have been busy and not stopping (well until the other night).

We spent most of every waking moment from Thursday through Sunday trying to get everything moved. We did get everything moved out of the house and still had a few thinks left outside to move (his cars, the pig, the storage unit, tractors, etc.) But that was ok as Michael and my dad could work on that during the week and get it all done by this coming weekend. And let me tell you, I think everyone was worn out by Saturday night, but we kept on going. Even though Michael is now 5 weeks out from his last chemo treatment, he still gets very tired so easy.

We did hear back from all the doctors by Monday and had gotten all his appointments scheduled for this week. So Michael’s week was supposed to go like this. Wednesday he was scheduled to have tests with his Gastroenterologist. Thursday he was to meet with his Radiation Oncologist and go to the imaging center to have a chest x-ray done and to get one of his MRI done. Friday he was to go get his last 2 MRI’s done at the imaging center. Plus continue to get the “outside” things moved. We did get one thing done on his list. Well maybe 2 but not in the right order as planned.

We went to his testing on Wednesday as planned. Everything looked good. Later in the day, Michael started to experience the same pain that has been coming and going. This pain would begin at the right of his back, and then go around to the side and then into the abdomen. He would generally double over with this and it would last around 2 – 3 hours then go away. At first, he would have it every few weeks, sometime in the middle of his chemotherapy cycles. Everyone thought it was something possibly in his intestines, stomach, etc. That was the whole reason for seeing the Gastroenterologist. We could never put our finger on why he was having these pains or even a pattern to them.

The pain on Wednesday began last afternoon, and kept getting a little stronger through the evening. We sat down around 7pm to eat dinner. He was able to eat his dinner and keep it down, but the pain was still there. By the time we were going to bed, he had finally asked for some pain medicine. He was not able to sleep, still doubling over, asked for another does since it was not working. Finally around 1:30 in the morning, he called his Gastroenterologist. He could not take the pain any longer. She suggested we meet her at the ER. We got up and took our hour drive to the hospital).

We check in, wait an hour in the waiting room, and finally get to go back to an exam room around 4:15 am. His doctor ordered a CT scan. After answering a ton of questions, the nurse accessing his port, drinking that lovely (nasty) stuff you have to drink for a CT scan, he was able to get it done around 7am. They said it would take about an hour to read the scans and get the results back to the doctors. Around 9am, his oncologist came into the ER room and told us the results. Michael had an inflamed gallbladder and a 1.3 cm gallstone blocking. They called a general surgeon in. She suggested they remove the gallbladder laproscopically. She said she could get him in that afternoon.

By 10:30 am, they took him down to pre-op. The doctors felt he would be more comfortable waiting there than waiting in the ER (he had a real loud patient yelling all the time in the room next to him). The doctors said it would only take about 1 – 1 ½ hours. By 1:00 they took him off to surgery. By 2:20, the doctor came and found me in the waiting room (and had to wake me up, I finally got a little sleep). She said that everything went well, and they were able to remove his gallbladder laproscopically. She was suggesting we stay at the hospital at least one night for observations but it was going to be up to his oncologist.

They kept Michael in recovery for quiet a long time. They were waiting on getting him a bed on the surgical floor. Finally around 5:00, they had a room for him and we were able to get him up there. For about the first hour or two, he was really out of it. He was experiencing some pain. He had a lot of discomfort throughout the night. He did feel better this morning, ready to go home. As he said, we were not getting the care that we normally get when we go to the Jackson building. He was in the main building this time and they are a lot busier there. We weren’t getting that “personal” touch we get when he goes into the oncology ward.

With all this excitement, we had to cancel his Thursday appointment with his radiation oncologist and all his x-ray, MRI’s. At the time he was supposed to get these done, we were in pre-op. We were able to get his appointment with his radiation oncologist rescheduled for Friday.

His appointment was supposed to be at 2pm, but once again, we were still at the hospital. Finally they discharged him around 4pm. We drove over to meet with the radiation doctor. He explained what to expect when he starts radiation. He did say that he wants to get the MRI’s done that the oncologist ordered before we begin his work-up for his radiation. This will give us a clear picture to make sure there isn’t anymore tumors’ floating around in his spinal cord.

I finally got him home around 6:30 this evening. I was able to get him settled in and fix him something to eat. He was able to keep the food down so that is a good sign. He finally asked for some pain medication before he decided to go to bed. Now he is sleeping well. I hope he is able to sleep through the night.

As for the “moving” of the things left, I will work on getting everything done tomorrow. The hardest part is going to keep Michael out of the way and in the house. It is going to take everything we all have to keep reminding him we will get his things moved and do it the “right” way.

So now on Monday, we will go back to see his oncologists’ and get is blood work done. They want to re-check his blood counts and check on his “liver” counts also. Also on Monday we will call and re-schedule his chest x-ray and MRI’s. Once we get his MRI’s done and the results to all his oncologists, we will schedule is radiation work-up. He will go back and see the general surgeon in 2 weeks.

It keeps going and going…
Anyways, thanks for all the prayers and please keep them coming.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Doctors Appointments~

We met with his doctors today. They did his blood work. His counts are looking "OK". His white count is down a little from 2 weeks ago, but his platelet count and hemoglobin count did come up some. We will go next week to have a chest x-ray and a full MRI done.

We are waiting for his Gastroenterologist to call tomorrow and schedule an appointment. We are also waiting for the radiation oncologist to call and let us know when we will begin radiation. Hopefully we will know more tomorrow.

We are still trying to get moved. We are hoping to be totally moved by this weekend, but it looks like a long shot for that. You would be surprised what you can accumulate after living in one spot for 9 years. Michael is still very tired. He is trying very hard to help with the move, but you can see where it is wearing on him. If you need our new address, just send me an email and I will send it to you.

I will give another update once we hear when we are to meet with his other doctors. Hope everyone has a great weekend!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Update on Michael~

Sorry for giving an update earlier, but we have been extremely busy. Michael continued to run a fever last week through Wednesday. Never did reach 100.4 (that is the point I have to take him to the hospital), but it came close several times. He still felt tied and didn’t have the energy to do much of anything.

By Thursday last week he felt a little better. We began working on the house over at my parents (that is where we plan on temporarily moving too). He made it over there each day through the weekend to do a “little” work. None of us let him do too much. Each night, he would come home extremely tired, but felt good about being able “to do something” instead of just sitting around. Sunday, he went out to the shop and helped change some springs on a car. Well, he told the boys what to do. He got to stand back and be the “boss” and they were teasing him. I think he really enjoyed spending the afternoon out in the shop.

Last Monday (2/2/2009), we had a fun time (not really). Before we went to his doctor’s appointment, we heard someone outside honking their horn no stop. I went to the side door, and he went to the front door to see what was going on. There was a white van in the street honking trying to get someone’s attention. Our front yard was on fire. Yes, our front yard was on fire and the winds were blowing it right towards our house. I grab my phone, go outside, turning on the water hose and begin trying to keep if from getting to my house and called 911.

Our volunteer fire department finally showed up and helped get the rest of the fire out. While they were driving through my yard to put out the fire, they happened to drive over the area where my water meter is located. Luckily, it just stayed in the yard and didn’t get much closer to the house.

By Wednesday, we noticed we still had water standing in the ditch and called the water company. They finally came out on Friday and inspected our water meter and stated that there was a water break, but it is on our side of the meter which means it is our responsibility to fix it.

With that, if we stay there through the end of the month, that would be an extremely high water bill. We have been working as much as we can to try to get moved by this weekend. Next week is when we are supposed to start getting all his tests done.

Monday, he didn’t feel that great again. He started running a slight fever again, staying around 99.5. Tuesday, he slept all day. Not sure if he just over did it this past weekend working on the house and packing up to move, or if he is trying to catch something again.

Today he said he just feels tired. He is going to take it easy again today until the kids gets out of school, then have them help him pack up more things around the house.

I will try to send another update this weekend.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Doctor’s Appointment Today

Michael had another doctor’s appointment today. He is still on his antibiotics. While we were at the office his temp was 99.2. He is still running low-grade fever. His white blood count did come up to 4.1K which is a good thing. His platelet count only came up 1 to 25. His hemoglobin is down to 8.9.

After a good discussion with the doctors, they decided not to do his 6th chemo cycle. He is still not feeling that great and is still running a low-grade fever. Each treatment, it is taking longer and longer for him to bounce back. They are going to allow him to rest for a bit and try to get over this fever. They also want to give his body a break from the chemotherapy.

In two weeks, we will begin seeing his various specialists to begin running all his tests (MRI’s, CT Scans, chest x-rays, sonograms, tests to check internal organs, and various other tests). He will have tests from head to toe and everything in-between. After those tests, we will meet back with the oncologists and radiation oncologist and discuss his radiation plan.

At this point, the plan is to have lots and lots of tests in two weeks, if all goes good with the tests, begin his 5 weeks of radiation. Then they are still talking about finishing up with more chemotherapy.

He is happy about the “small” break right now. He is hoping to get some rest and get on his feet a little better. We will still need to monitor his temperature.