Thursday, February 19, 2009

Doctors Appointments~

We met with his doctors today. They did his blood work. His counts are looking "OK". His white count is down a little from 2 weeks ago, but his platelet count and hemoglobin count did come up some. We will go next week to have a chest x-ray and a full MRI done.

We are waiting for his Gastroenterologist to call tomorrow and schedule an appointment. We are also waiting for the radiation oncologist to call and let us know when we will begin radiation. Hopefully we will know more tomorrow.

We are still trying to get moved. We are hoping to be totally moved by this weekend, but it looks like a long shot for that. You would be surprised what you can accumulate after living in one spot for 9 years. Michael is still very tired. He is trying very hard to help with the move, but you can see where it is wearing on him. If you need our new address, just send me an email and I will send it to you.

I will give another update once we hear when we are to meet with his other doctors. Hope everyone has a great weekend!!

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