Monday, December 29, 2008

Beginning of Chemo-Cycle 4

We hope everyone had a nice and wonderful holiday. We did. It was a nice and quiet Christmas with the family. Of course we all ate too much.

One of my cousins in Colorado who is going through cancer treatment as well shared this with me and I wanted to share with everyone. Thanks for sharing Kathy Jo.

What Cancer Cannot Do
Cancer is so limited...
It cannot cripple Love
It cannot shatter Hope
It cannot corrode Faith
It cannot destroy Peace
It cannot kill Friendship
It cannot suppress Memories
It cannot silence Courage
It cannot invade the Soul
It cannot steal Eternal Life
It cannot conquer the Spirit
-- author unknown

We are back at the hospital today to begin “Chemo-Cycle 4”. They drew blood when we came in (like we do each time before we begin his treatment) and his neutrophils were done just a little bit. All his other counts looked good. We had to wait for the nurses to get the “OK” to begin his treatment. We did not get to start his hydration until 3:00 today. With this being his longest day, he will probably not get done until about 3 or 4 in the morning. I will try to give another update later or in the morning.

Please continue to keep Michael in your prayers.

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