Monday, October 20, 2008

Day 5 – He gets to go home!!

We talked with his oncologist this morning. He said right now his blood counts look good and he needs to get a shot and we can go home!! We will have to go back to the office every Monday to have his blood drawn and meet with the oncologist in two weeks.

Before we left, he got his shot (to help regenerate the white blood cells / bone marrow) and finished up his other preventative medicines. They did say that one of the side effects from the shot is his bones will hurt. We did get home this afternoon and he is resting. He is extremely tired and week today. He does have nausea again.

I don't think either of us expected it to be like this. I mean, we did our research, we had others tell us what to expect; but until you go through it, or watch your loved one go through it, you really can’t describe it. From what we here, he will still feel down for a few more days. I will say that the nursing staff we had in the hospital is very good at explaining things to us.

He will get to be home now for 3 weeks. When we go back to the oncologist on the 3rd, we will discuss the next treatment date.

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