Friday, October 17, 2008

Initial Diagnoses of the Tumor

We did finally get some information (not enough) on the tumor. They say it is not-benign (cancer but not sure what level yet) and that it is a type of sarcoma (a malignant tumor that begins growing in connective tissue such as muscle, bone, fat, or cartilage. Sarcomas may occur in any part of the body, and are typically fast-growing and quick to spread). They still are not real sure what it is and have sent it off for further testing. They have now referred him to an oncologist. Right now the oncologist is going over his entire case history with both doctors before we can get in to see him. We are hoping to get in next week to see what we will do from here. I do know they said he will need further testing.

Michael actually feels pretty good now that they removed the tumor and it is not messing with his nerves. His pain level has drastically dropped and his walking is getting steadier each day. As for the news this week, well we will have to see. We were hoping for the best and now it looks like the road is getting longer to travel.

I will keep you updated as we know more. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers through this time.

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